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All it takes is the right opportunity to turn the potential of the Brazilian rendering market into a concrete success in China. The Brazilian Renderers project, a partner shipbetween the Brazilian Renderers Association (ABRA) and the Brazilian Trade andInvestment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil), has provided great opportunities duringthe Asia 2024 Mission!

The project met with two important organizations in Beijing, China. Check it out!

Brazilian Renderers was with China Chamber of Commerce of Import & Export of Foodstuffs, Native Produce & Animal By-Products (CFNA)

Brazilian Renderers met with the China Chamber of Commerce of Import & Export of Foodstuffs, Native Produce & Animal By-Products (CFNA)

CFNA: expansion potential for Brazilian exports in China

ABRA’s Executive President, Decio Coutinho, attended a meeting with Mr. Jin Yun, from the China Chamber of Commerce of Import & Export of Foodstuffs, Native Produce & Animal By-Products (CFNA), in Beijing, to discuss exports of animal meal.

The CFNA expressed great interest in products such as fish oil, pork meat and bone meal, and beef meat and bone meal, demonstrating significant demand in the Chinese market. In addition, the president of CFNA will be attending SIAVS (International Poultry and Swine Show) and plans to visit the Brazilian stand, further strengthening commercial ties between the two countries.

During the meeting, Brazilian Renderers was invited to send a representative to participate as a speaker at the China International Meat Conference (CIMC) in September, where the sector, industries and products can be presented to an international audience of interest to the Project. The event will culminate in a business meeting, providing an excellent opportunity to explore new partnerships and expand Brazil’s presence in the Chinese market.

Project was with Optimize Integration Group (OIG)

OIG: China’s largest animal protein importing group with an eye on Brazil

In the afternoon, a meeting was held with Ms Kelli and Mr Kava, from Optimize Integration Group (OIG), China’s largest animal protein importing group, which has 27 distribution centers in the country. The meeting highlighted the strategic importance of the Chinese market for Brazilian exports.

During the meeting with the OIG, it was also agreed that the entities would meet again in São Paulo, after the meeting of the Sino-Brazilian High-Level Commission for Coordination and Cooperation (COSBAN), which is the main institutional mechanism for coordinating Brazil-China relations. The IGO has an office in Brazil, in São Paulo, making coordination between the entities even easier.

CAHE 2024

In addition to these strategic meetings, Brazilian Renderers will also be taking part in the China Animal Husbandry Expo (CAHE) in Nanchang, China. The event takes place from May 18 to 20 at the Nanchang Greenland International Expo Center. CAHE is an annual event that highlights the latest trends and developments in the food and agriculture industry in China.

This is the first edition of CAHE in which the Project will take part, and Brazil has an open market in China for poultry and pork meal from Brazilian Animal The Asian country is one of the five largest importers of animal meal in the world!

Brazilian Renderers

Since 2012, ABRA and ApexBrasil have promoted the Brazilian Renderers project with the objective of promoting exports from the Animal Rendering sector – meal, fat, blood products and palatabiliy ehancers, and hydrolyzed protein of animal origin. Through participation in fairs, workshops and other special actions of commercial promotion, the projects value attributes of the animal rendering industry and its products – such as quality, health status and sustainability of production – and value the international brands of products, fostering new business for Brazilian exporters.

To learn more visit:

About ABRA

ABRA is an entity that represents the industries in the animal rendering sector that produce meal, fat, blood products and palatabiliy ehancers, and hydrolyzed protein of animal origin. It is a non-profit entity. It was founded in 2006 and works to promote its members, disseminate actions aimed at the segment, mediate the relationship with other entities and government agencies, in addition to fostering the generation of business in the national and international market.

For more information, visit:

About ApexBrasil

The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil) acts to promote Brazilian products and services abroad and attract foreign investments to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy.

The Agency carries out diversified commercial promotion actions aimed at promoting exports and valuing Brazilian products and services abroad, such as prospective and commercial missions, business rounds, support for the participation of Brazilian companies in large international fairs, and visits by foreign buyers and opinion-makers to know the Brazilian productive structure, among other business platforms that also aim to strengthen the Brazil brand. ApexBrasil also acts in a coordinated manner with public and private actors to attract foreign direct investments (FDI) to Brazil, focusing on strategic sectors for the development of the competitiveness of Brazilian companies and the country.

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