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A partnership between the Brazilian Renderers Association (ABRA) and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil), the Brazilian Renderers Project says goodbye to Japan after a fruitful visit to the country during the Asia 2024 Mission. The Brazilian delegation, made up of industries participating in the Project and the ABRA/Brazilian Renderers team, created excellent opportunities.

On May, the project was warmly welcomed at the Brazilian Embassy in Tokyo. The meeting aligned strategic communication, the details of the business roundtable and the priority topics that would be addressed with businesspeople from Japan. This preliminary discussion gave a valuable boost to the Brazilian Renderers event, creating a solid basis for the success of the business meeting. On the 14th, after the Business Connection, the Project met with the Japan Pet Food Association at its headquarters.

Japan does not yet have an open market for Brazilian animal rendering products. The country was included in the Asia 2024 Mission precisely to bring diplomatic and bilateral trade dialog closer together, as well as to showcase the quality and health safety of Brazilian rendering products.

Business roundtable connects Brazil and Japan

The Brazilian Embassy in Tokyo hosted The Best of Renderer By-Products: Business Connection Japan on May 14. The event brought together 15 Japanese companies interested in Brazilian rendering products.

The event was opened by Secretary Henrique Eller, Head of the Embassy’s AgricultureSection, representing Ambassador Octávio Henrique Côrtes. The Agricultural Attaché of the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAPA), Marco Aurélio Pavarino, then addressed the potential of the animal rerendering sector in the Brazil-Japan trade flow.

ABRA’s Executive President, Decio Coutinho, spoke about Brazilian animal rendering products, emphasizing health, quality and production capacity, arousing interest amongthe participants by showing a video about the sector. Afterwards, the member companies of Brazilian Renderers gave their presentations.

Japan’s petfood market: a great opportunity

According to the Yano Research Institute, a consulting firm that publishes the annual “Pet Business Report”, which is considered a reference in business areas, the pet-related market in Japan was worth around USD 15.3 billion at retail price in fiscal year 2021 (April 2021 to March 2022).

Although the pet population, according to the Japan Pet Food Association (JPFA), has been stagnant in recent years, sales of pet products have been on the rise, due to the emergence of various premium products with high added value and the growing variety of products aimed at felines.

The Japanese pet food market could bring good opportunities for the Brazilian Animal Rendering industries. It’s a demanding market, which goes hand in hand with the high quality and health safety of the meals, fats, palatability enhancers, blood products and hydrolyzed proteins manufactured in Brazil.

The Brazilian Renderers Project would like to highlight the essential support provided by the Brazilian Embassy in Japan for the events.

Brazilian Renderers

Since 2012, ABRA and ApexBrasil have promoted the Brazilian Renderers project with the objective of promoting exports from the Animal Rendering sector – meal, fat, blood products and palatabiliy ehancers, and hydrolyzed protein of animal origin. Through participation in fairs, workshops and other special actions of commercial promotion, the projects value attributes of the animal rendering industry and its products – such as quality, health status and sustainability of production – and value the international brands of products, fostering new business for Brazilian exporters.

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About ABRA

ABRA is an entity that represents the industries in the animal rendering sector that produce meal, fat, blood products and palatabiliy ehancers, and hydrolyzed protein of animal origin. It is a non-profit entity. It was founded in 2006 and works to promote its members, disseminate actions aimed at the segment, mediate the relationship with other entities and government agencies, in addition to fostering the generation of business in the national and international market.

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About ApexBrasil

The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil) acts to promote Brazilian products and services abroad and attract foreign investments to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy.

The Agency carries out diversified commercial promotion actions aimed at promoting exports and valuing Brazilian products and services abroad, such as prospective and commercial missions, business rounds, support for the participation of Brazilian companies in large international fairs, and visits by foreign buyers and opinion-makers to know the Brazilian productive structure, among other business platforms that also aim to strengthen the Brazil brand. ApexBrasil also acts in a coordinated manner with public and private actors to attract foreign direct investments (FDI) to Brazil, focusing on strategic sectors for the development of the competitiveness of Brazilian companies and the country.

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