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REAM 2024, held from September 3 to 5 at the Plaza Mayor Convention Center in Medellín, Colombia, confirmed its prominent role in the rendering sector in the Americas. The event, organized by the Brazilian Animal Rendering Association (ABRA) and AgriGlobal Market Inc., gathered 483 participants from 222 companies across 20 countries, establishing itself as one of the largest events in the industry.

Brazilian Renderers, a partnership between the Brazilian Animal Rendering Association (ABRA) and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil), took the spotlight at the event by promoting business matchmaking sessions through The Best of Rendered By-Products | Business Connection Americas. These much-anticipated business rounds were a tremendous success, creating new opportunities for participants and sealing bilateral agreements that promise to drive the sector across the Americas.

With a nearly 70% increase in the number of participants, 52% more companies, and 11% more countries represented compared to the previous year, REAM 2024 exceeded expectations. Countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and the United States had a strong presence, alongside key names from the European and Latin American industries. This expansion underscores the event’s relevance as a global platform for business, innovation, and strategic partnerships.

Sector promotion and international expansion

Brazilian Renderers embodies the essence of Brazil by representing sustainability applied in a practical and innovative way to the international market. Its commitment to technology and modernity was evident at REAM 2024, where the brand connected key industry players with strategic markets. The event not only expanded relationships but also strengthened partnerships and opened doors for new business, consolidating its importance for the global expansion of the rendering sector.

With lectures and panels addressing everything from technological innovations to new regulations in the sector, REAM 2024 initiated meaningful dialogues about the future of rendering. The event fostered a conducive environment for productive discussions, and the business rounds allowed companies from different parts of the world to exchange experiences, knowledge, and, of course, generate business opportunities.

The results of the event reinforce the commitment of Brazilian Renderers to promoting sustainable development and establishing Brazil as a key exporter of rendering products!

Brazilian Renderers

Since 2012, ABRA and ApexBrasil have promoted the Brazilian Renderers project with the objective of promoting exports from the Animal Rendering sector – meal, fat, blood products and palatabiliy ehancers, and hydrolyzed protein of animal origin. Through participation in fairs, workshops and other special actions of commercial promotion, the projects value attributes of the animal rendering industry and its products – such as quality, health status and sustainability of production – and value the international brands of products, fostering new business for Brazilian exporters.

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About ABRA

ABRA is an entity that represents the industries in the animal rendering sector that produce meal, fat, blood products and palatabiliy ehancers, and hydrolyzed protein of animal origin. It is a non-profit entity. It was founded in 2006 and works to promote its members, disseminate actions aimed at the segment, mediate the relationship with other entities and government agencies, in addition to fostering the generation of business in the national and international market.

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About ApexBrasil

The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil) acts to promote Brazilian products and services abroad and attract foreign investments to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy.

The Agency carries out diversified commercial promotion actions aimed at promoting exports and valuing Brazilian products and services abroad, such as prospective and commercial missions, business rounds, support for the participation of Brazilian companies in large international fairs, and visits by foreign buyers and opinion-makers to know the Brazilian productive structure, among other business platforms that also aim to strengthen the Brazil brand. ApexBrasil also acts in a coordinated manner with public and private actors to attract foreign direct investments (FDI) to Brazil, focusing on strategic sectors for the development of the competitiveness of Brazilian companies and the country.

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